Topics specific to Reflect, Provoke & Build workshops.
Important people in your life
The Simple Things in Life
Enjoying Nature
Who to listen too
Remember to Rest
Considering something bigger than ourselves
Deflecting the negatives.
Healthy Self Image.
Indecision verses taking action
Respecting the wise
Discerning truth
Mutual friendship
The benefits of sharing
Timidity verses couragesness
Timely action.
Time to think
Enjoy the task at hand
Songs are an anchor in life
Holding onto hope
Together making a difference
Facing adversity with hope
Freshness of a new day
Let it blow over
The value of heritage
Generous People
Loving & being loved
Count it all joy
Optimism in our hearts
Pursue dreams with confidence
Variety of available Topics
We have a wide variety of topics to choose, plus we have new topics coming up regularly, often from the consultation we have with you our clients.
All the topics are available in a variety of delivery options. Being 1) In person, 2) Webinar, 3) Action Learning (2 or more successive sessions).
Here is the list of topics according to categories….. Remember if you would like us to spend some time with you to talk further about your training needs, please give us a call. We enjoy tailoring training specific to the organisation.
Category: Organisational Development (Mentorship)
Topic range:
- Mentorship program Cohesive Leadership Productive Team Vision
- Motivate,
- Innovation
- Creating
- Write it down, make it clear, test it out
- Challenges come
- Success and Sustainability
- Putting action to new learning
- Leaders not followers Depth and insight
- Keeping it real and authentic
- New beginnings, fresh approaches
- Building the team
- Behaviour support
- Educational leadership
- Team effectiveness
- Supportive Mentorship
- Conflict Tsunami
- Sustainability.
- Risk Benefit.
- Reflection and discussion.
- Management team
- Partnerships with clients
Category: Music (Performing arts)
Topic range:
- Songwriting
- Purpose, practice
- Creating and being a creative
- Preparing to perform
- Personal and team development
- Dealing with nerves and the ego
- Confidence, Desire, inspiration
- Connecting with the patrons
- Communicating the message / story.
- Amateur & Profession pathways
- Business and pleasure
- Looking after your craft / instrument / you
- Record & distribute
Category: Adult Education (Facilitation)
Topic range
- Adult learning styles
- Motivation and Momentum
- Public speaking
- Self-direction
- Competency based
- Design, Delivery, Assessment
- Critical Thinking
- Community dialogue
- Group learning
- Behaviour support
- Experimental learning
- Imploding VET sector
- Authoritarianism in the sector
- Issues with innovation
Category: Personal Growth
Topic range:
- Confidence
- Motivation
- Communication
- Relationships
- Direction and purpose
- Patience
- Generosity
- Support & Referral for those in need
- Addressing negativity
- Building creditability Commitment
- Emotions under pressure.
- From conflict to collaboration
- Reflection and recreation
- Creativity and innovation.
- Rest then breakthrough
- Responding to the hurting people
- Brain potential
- Building the team
- Articulating your vision and values
- Taping into your source
- Your fruit, key ingredients
- Giving over the control.
- Vision and insight.
- Favour.
- Keeping on track,
- Garden of influence.
- Wisdom
- Sharing truth (and hope) through music